Dr. Sarvam Ritam Khare is an Advocate on Record in the Supreme Court of India, renowned for his extensive experience in the legal profession. He practices law both individually and as a Founding Partner of ACE LEGAL, a full-service law firm offering a wide array of legal services. His academic accomplishments include earning a Doctorate in Law (Ph.D.), which underscores his deep understanding and scholarly approach to legal studies.
In addition to his practice, Dr. Khare contributes significantly to the dissemination of legal knowledge. He serves as the Editor of Law Gist, the in-house law journal of ACE LEGAL, which provides insights and updates on various legal topics. His dedication to legal education extends internationally, as he is also a Guest Lecturer at St. Beatus College in Beatenberg, Switzerland, where he shares his expertise with aspiring legal professionals.
Dr. Khare’s multifaceted career exemplifies his commitment to excellence in legal practice, scholarship, and education, making him a distinguished figure in the field of law.
We provide free legal representation to individuals who cannot afford it, especially focusing on social justice, human rights, and public interest cases.
Our team advocates in Supreme Court, High Courts, and District Courts for cases related to environmental issues, human rights violations, and social welfare.
We conduct workshops to educate communities on important legal topics like women’s rights, property laws, and consumer rights, empowering individuals with knowledge.
We provide mediation and ADR services, helping resolve disputes outside of court in a more efficient and less costly manner than traditional litigation.
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